We ship all over the world, both Domestic and International, through your choice of FedEx, UPS, or US Postal Service.
We research all three carriers so we can offer the best possible price vs. service on shipping your package.
Call us at 530-842-1350 for an over-the-phone packing and/or shipping estimate!
Our shipping prices are based on many factors that are not necessarily taken into account when getting an estimated price from the carrier’s online site. You pay the price we charge when you ship, and will not be billed for any additional charges from the carrier as you would be when using an established account number.
Below are the variables we take into account when calculating your shipping price:
- Accurate package weight
- Accurate dimensions (length + girth)
- Destination zipcode
- DAS to Rural Areas
- Residential Surcharges
- Contents (Fragility, Large Package, Awkward Shapes, High-Value)
- Signature Options
- Delivery Options (Date and/or Time-Specific)
- Declared Value (Package Insurance)
- Address Research, Corrections, and In-Transit Interceptions
- Additional Handling Surcharges
- Large Package Surcharges
- Fuel Surcharges
- Pickup Charges
- Saturday Surcharges
- Type of Packaging
- Package Preparation for Shipping
- Damage or Loss Claims Processing and Return of Funds
We also offer Declared Value Shipping Insurance. In the event of loss or damage, we will file your claim, follow it through the process, and return any funds to you.